mehmet utku öztürk
about me
hey there, i'm mehmet utku öztürk. i am an ai specialist, compsci enthusiast, software developer, open-source & digital freedom supporter. i use this page to showcase some of the cool shit i've built and thought. if you are willing to contact me, you can use any of the options listed in the footer. i go by @mutkuoz on most social networks.
founder & solo dev
an ai platform that prepares test questions and manages the students' study sessions smartly.
clade ai
built the ai of mvp (co-founder & cto)
an ai assistant that handles your daily tasks so you don't have to.
supporter & internal tester
a unix-like operating system offering top-grade optimization, seamless functionality, and innovation.
streaming intelligence
Streaming Intelligence: Harnessing AI and Big Data in the Competitive Landscape of Digital Content Platforms by PlawLabs Research Institute for Digital Innovation and AI Studies
co-founder, lead ai developer
a microsaas tool that mass generates personalized cover letters for 100 job applications under 30 seconds.
founder & solo dev
a multilayered machine learning network aimed to represent peoples' demeanor within mental and behavioral tendencies (essentially their "character"s) within mathematical models, later computing and exploring the correlations between them and comparing their respective models with each other.